
1.   因為我班機抵達A的時間是晚上8,所以無法趕上下午5點前往B的班機,必須先在A過一晚,隔天早上再搭乘早上6點前往B的班機.

Because my arrival time at A is 08:00 pm, I cannot catch up with the flight at 05:00 pm to B. I must stay at A for a night, and then take the flight at 06:00 am to B.


2.  除這問題外,其他行程若都依照您的建議,是否可以請您先幫我預約班機,飯店和行程. 因為我申請簽證時,需要有Hotel Reservation Receipts和行程報名紀錄,完成預約後,是否可以請您回傳相關資訊給我.訂金或費用的部分,我想用信用卡付款,能否回傳invoice給我.

I follow your suggestion for the other trips, except this issue. Could you help me reserving the flight ticket, hotel, and arrange the trips? I need the hotel reservation receipts and registration record of this trip for visa application. Could you send the related information to me after finishing the reservations? According to the reservation fee and other related charge, I would like to pay by credit card. Please send the invoice to me.


By the way, I want to confirm whether I still have time to visit D if I depart earlier from A in your recommended C trip.


以下內文出自: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1612051702486網頁設計SEO關鍵字點擊軟體關鍵字自然排序點擊軟體各種點擊付費廣告軟體

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